
有件迫在眉睫的事情,需要大家來呼籲!(唯色Blog)本月31日,可能有20多位中國律師會被當局打壓,面臨馬上被暫停或停止執業的危險。這當中,有8名律師在去年“西藏事件”期間參與21名律師聯署簽名,公開聲明將依法爲被捕藏人提供代理、辯護等法律服務,他們是:程海、江天勇、黎雄兵、李敦勇、李靜林、劉巍、彭劍、溫海波,其中包括最近爲普布次仁仁波切和喇嘛久美做辯護的江天勇律師。 而當時,這些聯署簽名的律師都被當局嚴厲警告,不准介入西藏案件;律師所在的律師事務所被司法局/廳要求禁止接受藏民委託並接到警告將被暫緩年檢註冊;律師本人如滕彪被登出律師執照、江天勇被暫緩年檢註冊;北京市律師協會會長聲稱“要發揮智慧砸簽名律師的飯碗”。顯而易見,當局正在秋後算賬! 最近藏地的兩起案件——普布次仁仁波切和喇嘛久美的案件——獲得有效的結果,與兩位律師——李方平與江天勇——冒著巨大風險擔任辯護律師,有很大關係。向他們致敬! 現在,“六四”前夕,新一輪打壓維權律師的行動已經啓動。當20多位維權律師面臨危機時,怎麽辦?至31日還剩下4天時間了。在這4天裏,我們應該盡力發聲,呼籲中國政府停止對維權律師的打壓! “六四”事件20周年之際,僵化落後的政治體制導致社會矛盾空前激烈,侵犯人權的事件時有發生。中國政府在高壓管控上訪公民、自由知識份子、維權人士、宗教人士的同時,2009年又空前強化了對維權律師的全面打壓,建設法治國家的進程遭受重挫,並引發社會各界的普遍擔憂。 背景:維權律師日益活躍在廣泛人權領域 1989年“六四”事件之後,中國政治體制改革徹底停止,特權腐敗和社會不公平現象的日益加劇,群體性事件此起彼伏。此種中國社會環境逐漸催生了一批堅守法治、捍衛人權、維護公民合法權利、維護公平正義爲己任的維權律師。這些律師廣泛活躍在言論自由、信仰自由、結社自由、遷徙自由、種族平等、人權工作者權益維護、記者權益維護、少數民族權益維護、地震災區家長權益維護、住房拆遷、土地徵收、業主權益、環境保護、食品安全、疾病防治以及平等權、知情權、參與權、監督權等公民權利維護和公益法律服務領域。維權律師群體的出現和成長,被認爲是中國30年法治重建中的重大成就,也被視爲中國法治進步的表徵。可是,這些堅守法治、依法維權的律師們卻被中國政法系統和特殊利益集團視爲挑戰。隨著“六四”20周年的臨近,當局正在加緊對維權律師進行空前的全面打壓。 現狀:大量維權律師遭行政整肅和暴力侵犯 2009年2月4日,緩刑中的著名維權律師高智晟被警方從陝西老家帶走後長期失蹤。 2009年2月28日,爲多起宗教信仰案件被告人辯護的黑龍江省律師韋良玥被哈爾濱警方無端拘捕。 2009年3月17日,北京憶通律師事務所遭停業整頓六個月的處罰,著名維權律師李勁松、李蘇濱不能繼續從事律師或代理工作。 2009年4月10日,廣西律師楊在新在代理失地農民案件中,遭到非法征地的政府背景多名暴徒殘酷毆打。 2009年4月12日,北京律師程海在四川成都市執業過程中,遭到晉陽街道辦、維穩辦的政府工作人員非法阻撓和野蠻毆打。 2009年4月16日,代理失地農民維權的廣東律師劉堯被判處有期徒刑一年,緩期兩年執行。 2009年5月13日北京律師張凱、李春富在重慶市江津區執業過程中,20多名警察非法闖入委託人家中,對兩位律師進行反銬、野蠻毆打。其中,張凱律師被高高的銬在派出所鐵籠中。警察非法強行檢查案卷,拿走關鍵證據。 以此爲表徵,中國政法系統在“六四”前夕整肅打壓維權律師的行動已經全面鋪開。不僅如此,更爲嚴重的是,中國政法系統正在利用所謂的“年度考核登記”直接剝奪衆多維權律師的執業權。 危機:衆多維權律師面臨馬上被暫停或停止執業 繼2008年度中國司法當局以“年檢註冊”名義對滕彪、江天勇等維權律師採取登出律師執照、延緩註冊暫停執業等打壓措施之後,2009年度新一輪打壓維權律師的行動早已公開啓動,包括江天勇、李和平、黎雄兵、李春富、王雅軍、程海、唐吉田、楊慧文、謝燕益、李敦勇、溫海波、劉巍、張立輝、彭劍、李靜林、蘭志學、張凱、劉曉原、韋良玥(黑龍江)、楊在新(廣西)等在內的多名維權律師將被以“年考登記”的名義吊銷或暫停執業資格。這些律師所在的律師事務所,如北京的高博隆華、安彙、共信、舜和、國綱、久瑞、佳法、億嘉、旗鑒,黑龍江的焦點、廣西的百舉鳴等多家律師事務所已陸續接到到來自司法行政部門和律師協會的指令和警告。有的律師事務所被要求立即解除與相關維權律師的聘用合同,有的律師事務所被要求以律師事務所的名義對相關維權律師出具“年度考核不合格”的結論,以配合政法系統對維權律師實施登出律師執照或暫停執業資格的打壓行動。 律師年檢註冊制度,是一項極具中國特色的律師執業管理制度,依法取得執業資格的律師須于每年5月份前交納一筆500到5000不等的年檢註冊費並獲得省級司法行政機關在律師證上加蓋的“年檢註冊”印章方可繼續執業。該制度成爲政法系統、官辦律協斂財及打壓維權律師的最有效的手段。陝西律師張鑒康、廣東律師唐荊陵、郭燕、山東律師李建強(劉路)皆因參與維權案件在年檢註冊過程中被暫緩或停止執業。因該項制度與行政許可法、行政處罰法和律師法等多部法律相抵觸,並被國內衆多律師指責爲向律師強行收費的敲詐勒索行爲,2008年7月18日中國司法部頒佈第112號令正式廢止了該年檢註冊制度。 可是,在律師年檢註冊制度廢止後,以北京市司法局爲首的多省市司法行政機關在2009年初分別推出了律師“年度考核登記”制度,變相使得“年檢註冊”制度得以延續。 北京市的律師“年度考核登記”制度規定,全市所有律師均須接受北京市律師協會的年度執業考核並交納2500元的會員年費進行會員登記,考核合格的律師由律師協會在律師執業證上加蓋“考核合格”印章方可繼續執業,考核不合格的律師須將律師執業證交回北京市司法局並登出其律師證停止執業。 5月31日是對律師實施“年度考核登記”的截止期限。包括以上律師在內的大批維權律師將在5月31日之後被司法當局以“年度考核不合格”爲由登出律師證或延緩會員登記而不能繼續執業。而本應以維護律師權益爲己任的北京市律師協會等再次成爲司法行政機構打壓維權律師的幫兇,並從此前的遮遮掩掩發展到現在的公然進行。 附:1、維權律師姓名、所在律所、電話、近年參與或承辦的主要案(事)件: 江天勇律師,北京市高博隆華律師事務所,手機號:13001010856。 參與或承辦的主要事件、案件:藏區布絨朗活佛案、拉蔔楞寺久美喇嘛案、地震災區何洪春案、訴大衆日報集團乙肝歧視案、艾滋感染者維權案件、山西黑磚窯案、北京律協直選、法輪功案件、“3.14事件”後援藏聲明簽名。 李和平律師,北京市高博隆華律師事務所,手機號:13910576638。 參與或承辦的主要事件、案件:郭泉涉嫌顛覆國家政權案、黑龍江三班僕人案、浙江家庭教會案、楊佳案、勞動教養案件、法輪功案件。 黎雄兵律師,北京市高博隆華律師事務所,手機號:13701221801。 參與或承辦的主要事件、案件:楊春林案、袁顯臣案、祁崇淮案、三鹿毒奶粉案、訴北京地鐵案、訴北京鐵路公安局案、艾滋感染者維權案件、少數民族權益維護、山西黑磚窯案、北京律協直選、法輪功案件、“3.14事件”後援藏聲明簽名。 李春富律師,北京市高博隆華律師事務所,手機號:13301103197。 參與或承辦的主要事件、案件:艾滋感染者維權案件、李淑鳳勞動教養案、被拘禁人員派出所非正常死亡案、被勞教人員勞教所非正常死亡案件、農民工維權案件、法輪功案件。 王雅軍律師,北京市高博隆華律師事務所,手機號:15811028798。 參與或承辦的主要事件、案件:艾滋感染者維權案件、勞動教養案件、被勞教人員勞教所非正常死亡案件、農民工維權案件、法輪功案件。 程海律師,北京市安彙律師事務所,手機號:13601062745。 參與或承辦的主要事件、案件:因戶口問題訴北京市公安局案、因暫住證問題訴北京市公安局案、楊佳案、訴鐵道部案、勞動教養案件、北京律協直選主要發起人和組織者、法輪功案件、“3.14事件”援藏聲明簽名者。 唐吉田律師,北京市安彙律師事務所,手機號:13161302848。 參與或承辦的主要事件、案件:艾滋感染者維權案件、勞動教養案件、北京律協直選主要發起人和組織者、失地農民維權案件、法輪功案件、。 楊慧文律師,北京市安彙律師事務所,手機號:13681108292。 參與或承辦的主要事件、案件:三鹿毒奶粉案、少數民族權益維護、北京律協直選主要參與人。 謝燕益律師,北京市共信律師事務所,手機號:13121117524。 參與或承辦的主要事件、案件:艾滋感染者維權案件、失地農民維權案件、被強制拆遷戶維權案件、勞動教養案件、反非法拘禁案件、北京律協直選、法輪功案件。 李敦勇律師,北京市共信律師事務所,手機號:13691223900。 參與或承辦的主要事件、案件:家庭教會案件、失地農民維權案件、被強制拆遷戶維權案件、“3.14事件”援藏聲明簽名者。 溫海波律師,北京市舜和律師事務所,手機號:13811778770。 參與或承辦的主要事件、案件:青島錯埠嶺迫遷案、青島河西迫遷案、三鹿奶粉案、北京律協直選、法輪功案件、“3.14事件”後援藏聲明簽名。 劉巍律師,北京市舜和律師事務所,手機號:15901371049。 參與或承辦的主要事件、案件:艾滋感染者維權案件、倪玉蘭妨礙公務案、北京律協直選、法輪功案件、“3.14事件”援藏聲明簽名。 張立輝律師,北京市國綱律師事務所,手機號:13911696311。 參與或承辦的主要事件、案件:黑龍江三班僕人案、北京律協直選主要組織者、法輪功案件。 李順章律師,北京市國綱律師事務所,手機號:13501374841。 參與或承辦的主要事件、案件:北京律協直選、法輪功案件。 彭劍律師,北京市國綱律師事務所,手機號:13901322991。 參與或承辦的主要事件、案件:三鹿毒奶粉案件、北京律協直選。 李靜林律師,北京市久瑞律師事務所,手機號:13693283418。 參與或承辦的主要事件、案件:三鹿毒奶粉案、青島聖元毒奶粉案、艾滋感染者維權案、北京律協直選、法輪功案件、“3.14事件”後援助藏人聲明簽名。 蘭志學律師,北京市佳法律師事務所,手機號:13001251152。 參與或承辦的主要事件、案件:艾滋感染者維權案件、失地農民維權案件、內黃看守所被羈押者非正常死亡案件、勞動教養案件、北京律協直選、法輪功案件。 張凱律師,北京市億嘉律師事務所,手機號:13911900261。 參與或承辦的主要事件、案件:三鹿毒奶粉案件、鐵路旅客曹士和被捆綁致死案、家庭教會案件、南昌公安刑訊萬建國致死案、法輪功案件。 劉曉原律師,北京市旗鑒律師事務所,手機號:13121662783。 楊佳案、看守所非正常死亡案、死刑冤案。 李勁松律師,北京市億通律師事務所,手機號:13691124988。 陳光誠案、胡佳案、楊佳案、業主維權案。 韋良玥律師,黑龍江省焦點律師事務所,手機號:13030009999。 參與或承辦的主要事件、案件:業主維權案件、法輪功案件。 楊在新律師,廣西百舉鳴律師事務所,手機號:13517898996。 參與或承辦的主要事件、案件:失地農民維權案件、暴力計劃生育受害者維權、法輪功案件。 2、 北京市司法局和北京市律師協會部分人員及聯繫方式: 北京市司法局副局長董春江13901224329, 北京市司法局律管處處長蕭驪珠13801274449、010-58575678(辦), 北京市司法局律管處副處長柴磊13801003837, 北京市司法局律管處馮新泉010-58575631, 北京市律師協會秘書長李冰如13910874112 北京市律師協會會長張學兵13901031860, 北京律協維權部辦事員 韓閩江010-58575551, 北京律協權益部秘書長 張爲民律師13901088422, 北京律協權益部 胡曉琳律師13901215169。 Lawyers Face Licenses Revoked for Defending Human Rights 作者:CHRD /文章來源:CHRD Lawyers Face Licenses Revoked for Defending Human Rights (Chinese Human Rights Defenders - May 25, 2009)—CHRD learned today that law firms hiring some of the most vocal human rights lawyers in China have been pressed by the local authorities to “fail” the lawyers in the annual evaluation of their performances. If this happens, as the lawyers fear it will, at least twenty lawyers will not have their licenses renewed by the judicial authorities when the evaluation concludes by May 31. The lawyers include some of the best known human rights lawyers in China, they include: Jiang Tianyong (江天勇), Li Heping (李和平), Li Xiongbing (黎雄兵), Li Chunfu (李春富), Wang Yajun (王雅軍), Cheng Hai (程海), Tang Jitian (唐吉田), Yang Huimin (楊慧文), Xie Yanyi (謝燕益), Li Dunyong (李敦勇), Wen Haibo (溫海波), Liu Wei (劉巍), Zhang Lihui (張立輝), Peng Jian (彭劍), Li Jinglin (李靜林), Lan Zhixue (蘭志學), Zhang Kai (張凱), Liu Xiaoyuan (劉曉原), Wei Liangyue (韋良玥) and Yang Zaixin (楊在新) . The law firms they work with are Beijing law firms Gaobo Longhua (高博隆華), An Hui (安彙), Gong Xin (共信), Shun He (舜和), Guo Gang (國綱), Jiu Rui (久瑞), Jie Fa (佳法), Yi Jia (億嘉) and Qi Jian (旗鑒), Heilongjiang law firm Jiao Dian (焦點) and Guangxi law firm Bai Ju Ming (百舉鳴). From information these human rights lawyers have gathered, the law firms where they are currently employed have been given directives and warned by their respective judicial and administrative departments and their lawyers associations. Some of the law firms were asked to immediately terminate their contracts with the lawyers, while some were asked to “fail” the lawyers in the annual evaluation of their performances to “coordinate” with the authorities’ plans to cancel or revoke their licenses. These lawyers have also reported that while their colleagues have all been asked by their firms to fill in the required paperwork to process the renewal of their licenses, they have not been approached. “These human rights lawyers are at risk of being punished for taking ‘sensitive’ human rights cases and for pressing for direct election of the leadership of the government-controlled Beijing Lawyers Association. Human rights lawyers are facing such harsh punishment as part of the authorities’ overall measures to tighten its grip on dissent as the 20th anniversary of the Tiananmen Massacre approaches,” said Wang Songlian, CHRD’s research coordinator. In May 2008, Beijing Bureau of Judicial Affairs threatened to suspend the renewal of the licenses of a number of Beijing lawyers to punish them for extending legal aid to arrested Tibetans following the protests in the Tibetan areas. Although the lawyers’ licenses were eventually renewed after the authorities threatened and intimidated them, a couple of the renewals were delayed by a month and one lawyer, Teng Biao (滕彪), had his license revoked. The Beijing Bureau of Judicial Affairs claimed that one of Teng’s employer, China University of Politics and Law, preferred Teng not to work as a part-time lawyer. It appears that human rights lawyers in China are facing a particularly hostile and intimidating environment in 2009. CHRD has documented the following cases since February 2009: · On May 13, Beijing lawyers Zhang Kai (張凱) and Li Chunfu (李春富) were in Chongqing meeting with the family of Jiang Xiqing (江錫清), a RTL detainee who died in detention. A group of more than 20 officers, including officials from the National Security Unit under the Jiangjin PSB, arrived at the home, demanding that Zhang and Li produce their identification cards. When the lawyers, who were carrying their lawyers’ licenses and passports, were unable to produce their personal ID cards (shenfenzheng), the officers suddenly surrounded them, throwing the pair to the ground, beating and kicking them before leading them away in handcuffs. Zhang and Li were taken to a nearby police station, where Zhang was locked in an iron cage with his hands cuffed behind his back, hanging onto the bars of the cage. Li was cuffed to a concrete slab in another room. The pair was further beaten and interrogated. The police threatened Zhang and Li against handling the case and released the pair shortly after midnight. · On April 13, Beijing lawyer Cheng Hai (程海) was attacked and beaten while on his way to meet with a client in Chengdu. Cheng is representing Tao Yuan (陶淵), a former Beijing Normal University graduate student and Falun Gong practitioner imprisoned for “publicizing an evil cult” who is applying for release on bail for medical treatment. Cheng was on his way to meet Tao’s mother, Zhang Chengrong (張盛榮), who lives in Wuhou District, when four or five men who had been monitoring and following Cheng encircled him and began striking him, pushing him onto the floor and kicking him. According to Cheng, those responsible for the attack were officials from the Jinyang General Management Office, Wuhou District, Chengdu. · On April 10, Yang Zaixin (楊再新), a Guangxi lawyer, was attacked and beaten in Hepu County, Guangxi, after being lured into a trap over the phone by a person posing as a potential client asking for his assistance in a case. When Yang arrived at the agreed-upon time and place he was quickly surrounded by five men and beaten for more than 10 minutes, at which point onlookers took Yang to a nearby hospital. While the identities of the attackers are unknown, Yang believes he was targeted in retaliation for his work representing farmers from Hepu County in a recent land dispute between the farmers and the Qinlian tree farm, a state-owned enterprise. · On the evening of February 28, Li Baiguang (李柏光), Beijing lawyer and constitutional expert, was struck by a motorcyclist shortly after leaving the West Gate of Beijing University. The man, who bystanders reported as having an accent identifying him as being from somewhere in Yunnan or Guizhou, stopped briefly as a crowd gathered and acted concerned, then slipped off in the ensuing confusion. Li, who was injured in the fall, remained on the ground for several minutes before he was able to get up and continue towards home. Li, who is acting as a lawyer for villagers resisting forced land appropriation by a mining company in Yunnan Province, was visited that evening by police from Beijing and Yunnan Province, who questioned him for more than one hour and warned him against involving himself with any “Yunnan affairs” in the future. · On February 17, 2009, Beijing’s Yitong Law Firm (北京憶通律師事務所) was notified that it would be forced to close for six months for "re-organization" by the Beijing Haidian District Bureau of Justice. Although the authorities cited the reason for the punishment as due to the firm “facilitate the illegal work of an individual in providing legal services without having obtained a professional lawyer’s license”, lawyers at the firm believe the move is in retaliation for the advocacy of Yitong Law Firm lawyers for direct elections of the leadership of the Beijing Lawyers’ Association in 2008. For more information, please see: Human Rights Lawyers in China Face Persecution on the Eve of June Fourth ” published by a group of human rights lawyers, May 24, 2009, Media contacts for this press release:Renee Xia, International Director (English and Mandarin): +13015479286Wang Songlian, Research Coordinator and English Editor (English, Mandarin and Cantonese): +85281911660

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